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Maurice Biraud
The Last Train
The Seventh Juror
Any Number Can Win
Taxi for Tobruk
Beau Pere
The Eye of the Monocle
Sorrel Flower
April Fools' Day
A Mouse with the Men
The Devil and the Ten Commandments
The Big Grasshopper
The Counterfeiters of Paris
She No Longer Talks, She Shoots
Jamais deux sans trois
The Gypsy
Mr. Peek-a-Boo
Paris Pick-Up
Carrot Top
Good Enough to Eat
Dandelions by the Roots
Premier mai
The Happiest of Men
Wonderful Mentality
A Slightly Pregnant Man
Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century
My Husband, His Mistress and I
Pierrot mon ami
Land of Milk and Honey
The Conspiracy
Confessions of a Choir Boy
Le Permis de conduire
Mon enfant, ma mère
L'Or et la fleur
War Spies
Too Many Lovers
No Big Deal for Johnny
The Secret of Helene Marimon
Chicken Soup
Why Paris?
Un dimanche de flics
Le Cri du cormoran, le soir au-dessus des jonques
Hello, Sisters
Pourquoi pas nous ?
His Father's Portrait
The Adventures of Arsène Lupin
Le Roi des camelots
Les deux font la paire
Five Leaf Clover
OK Patron
Pete the Tender
Three Days to Live
Flic Story
Le Concierge
L'affaire Matzneff
Mireille Darc, la femme libre
Give Me My Chance
The Slave
Cherchez l'idole
In Six Easy Lessons
Quai des blondes
Deux Romains en Gaule
The Adventures of Salavin
Mademoiselle Nitouche
Ça c'est Claude François
La bande du Rex
Dim Dam Dom
Les Hommes de Rose
Banlieue Sud-Est
Cadet Rousselle
Arsène Lupin Joue et Perd "813"
L'Esprit de famille
Les Jeux de 20 heures
Nick Verlaine ou Comment voler la tour Eiffel
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