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Pietro Tordi
Crazy Sea
Ho scelto l'amore
I baccanali di Tiberio
Dark Illness
Red Shirts - Anita Garibaldi
Figaro qua... Figaro là
The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue
The Three Musketeers of the West
Seasons of Our Love
Stray Days
Language Teacher
Under the Olive Tree
My Gun is the Law
The Hassled Hooker
No Graves on Boot Hill
Kill Django...Kill First
Crossed Swords
Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!
Guai ai vinti
Sword of Damascus
The Dragon's Blood
Rome 11:00
Missione sabbie roventi
Passi furtivi in una notte boia
High Time
Franco, Ciccio e il pirata Barbanera
Crazy World... Crazy People!
Angelique: The Road To Versailles
The Miller's Beautiful Wife
Musketeers of the Sea
Attention! Bandits!
Il monello della strada
Latin Lovers
Dear Father
Minnesota Clay
The Little Nuns
Appuntamento in Riviera
Don Cesare of Bazan
Permettete signora che ami vostra figlia?
Quo Vadis
Dagli Appennini alle Ande
Raped On The Beach
Secret Fantasy
The Witches
Hercules, Samson & Ulysses
Days of Love
The Emperor of Capri
Seven Rebel Gladiators
Riuscirà il nostro eroe a ritrovare il più grande diamante del mondo?
O.K. Nero
The Mistress of Treves
How to Lose a Wife and Find a Lover
Divorce Italian Style
The Sex Machine
My Sister in Law
Heart of a Dog
Velvet Hands
Totò all'inferno
The Assassination of Matteotti
Pane, burro e marmellata
We Want the Colonels
The Queen of Sheba
For a Few Dollars Less
Letti sbagliati
Lion of the Desert
An Average Little Man
The Road to Fort Alamo
Our Dreams
To Hell and Back
The Huns
In the Name of the Italian People
Fantomas Unleashed
The Return of Casanova
Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses
The Slave Merchants
The Facts of Murder
The Marquis of Grillo
The Walls of Malapaga
The Giants of Thessaly
The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars
The Affairs of Messalina
Il mondo dei miracoli
Di qua, di là del Piave
Porta un bacione a Firenze
Italiani! È severamente proibito servirsi della toilette durante le fermate
Roland the Mighty
Knight Without a Country
The Small Miracle
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