Leave the World Behind
There's no going back to normal.
A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices—and two strangers appear at their door.
Wokeness: 80%
Overall Score: 40%
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User Submitted Reviews
Basketball people dunking on y-t's
0bama produces Netflix film adaptation that says white people shouldn’t be trusted in the apocalypse.
Created: 12-12-2023
Mr. Spin
Took a few minutes to think about this movie before dropping my thoughts.
When I'm sizing up a movie for its wokeness level, I aim for a middle ground.
It's easy to fall into the trap of seeing shadows everywhere – like thinking a scene of poverty is a dig at bad capitalists or a flawed white character is some kind of anti-white statement. But let's not get carried away. Most movies aren't trying to be deep political statements. They're just movies.
It's with directors like Tarkovsky, Von Trier, or Kubrick, you're playing a different ball game. Their films are layered, complex, and often packed with hidden meanings. So, yeah, you've got to do some serious digging there.
Bringing this back to "Leave the World Behind." Initially, it just seemed like another flick. Nothing too preachy or in-your-face about it. But then I've found out the Obamas are in the mix as producers. That’s a curveball. We're talking about Barack Hussain, a guy known for his specific viewpoints and political stance. Suddenly, the film isn’t just a film anymore. It's got the Obama stamp on it, and that makes you watch it with a different set of eyes.
You start wondering: Are there messages here I didn't catch before? Is this film subtly pushing an agenda? Obama link is a lens that brings certain aspects of the movie into sharper focus, making you question what's really going on beneath the surface. It's not just about the story being told; it's about who's telling it and why.
That flipped my whole perspective on a film.
Created: 12-22-2023
Holy shit
With the Obamas consulting on this Netflix film, viewer discretion is advised. Do not give them money or clicks.
The movie starts off on the wrong track, with a B-movie feel and poor acting by Julia Roberts. However, the movie aspires to be much more, approaching Hitchcock or Kubrick at times, but trying a bit too hard with the camerawork.
Spoilers follow, but they are mild.
This movie is very woke, because Julia Roberts' character is racist, and later she realizes she was wrong and in the same instant she is ready to fuck the black guy while her husband is in the same house *and* the black guy probably just lost his wife. What a despicable character. The black guy's daughter even confronts her about why she is so awful. The black girl is also racist, but she never has a revelation that she is wrong. Additionally, there is a flawed analogy about people being irrational in the markets to being irrational about blacks. (In reality, Leftists are the ones who reject statistics and rationality.) Lesson learned: white people are deplorable.
As I watched, I wondered if I was really seeing Masonic and illuminati symbolism. This seems confirmed by an X post by @vegastarr, who also points out very subtle but indisputable symbolism about the slave trade and the oppression of Native Americans.
There is less veiled symbolism in the t-shirts. I think the "Obey" t-shirt is a reference to They Live. I think the NASA t-shirt is a jab at NASA (spending money on non-Earthly matters), because the girl wearing it is obsessed with escaping reality via the TV show Friends, even as civilization might be ending. Consider the Bikini Kill t-shirt. Their 1996 song (and album) titled Reject All American has lyrics that ChatGPT summarizes as follows: "The song calls for a rejection of all the values and expectations that are imposed on the American people, especially women, by the dominant culture, and instead advocates for a more authentic, diverse, and rebellious way of living." Sounds Obama-ish.
There is a massive jab at Tesla. The Apple TV show Invasion did this too. The likely reason for these jabs is that Elon Musk supports free speech, while the directors, Netflix, Apple, and the Obamas do not. Censorship is woke.
There is a point where I think we hear Obama's thoughts when the black guy summarizes the words of his powerful associate. The associate said that actually more terrifying than an evil cabal is the truth that nobody is in control and everything could collapse at any instant.
There is a lot going on under the simple facade of this movie. Some of it is interesting character dynamics. And some of it is mind control with an agenda. Obey.
Created: 12-23-2023
Pretend like you didn’t know the obamas made this
No gay scenes, no trans, no climate change propaganda (at least so far, might change in the next one they make) BUTTT there IS race baiting.. although you wouldn’t have guessed it until the girl is laying in her bed with her dad and drops the “remember not to trust white people” line.. then it makes the racial tension come to life where otherwise it would have been subtle or just slightly insinuating.. but after that line it really makes it become apparent. I get the obamas made this film but I feel like some reviews are JUST because they know Obamas made the film. It had a crap ending, but I would give the second one they come out with a watch.. lots of supposed conspiracy theories and supposed symbolism with this movie too apparently
Created: 12-30-2023
Kurt Hansen
Wishing it was better and I didn't have to rate it as "woke".
I mean, I guess with the Obama administration involved, what do you expect? I'd have rated it less DEI and more fun if it wasn't such a terrible, drawn-out, dialog-driven film. But it is. So, we have the ultra rich black dude and his Caucasian-hating sidekick kicking Julia Roberts our of a weekend rental. The world is ending, but not in an "Independence Day" kind of way. More like a "condescending black man and his Black Panther sidekick berates white family who in reality just rented their mansion for a weekend" way. It's a movie you'd like to enjoy, but White family just don't get it: they're incompetent, incoherent, mindless dipshits.
I'm changing my review sliders: this movie really sucked. Original: Woke 2, Review: 3.
Created: 01-14-2024
Pha-Q woke
Woke Amateur Trash
As others have written so well the DEI and race baiting bs throughout makes this one very woke. Other reviews have covered it well so I won't waste more time on it. Ignoring the woke the movie itself is pure amateur hour horribly made nonsense. I've seen YouTube shorts more well made than this. The acting is terrible by everyone involved and every single character is awful. I hated every single one of them. The dialogue is stupid and makes no sense. No one acts and talks like these people do. Ever. The camera angles, cinematography and editing are trash. Even the music choices at the beginning are out of place and bad. It's just complete garbage and there is zero reason to watch this flaming dung heap.
Created: 06-02-2024