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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

Live each adventure like it's your last.

Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for adventure has taken its toll: He has burned through eight of his nine lives, leaving him with only one life left. Puss sets out on an epic journey to find the mythical Last Wish and restore his nine lives.

Wokeness: 0%

Overall Score: 80%

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User Submitted Reviews

Rosario Banana

Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 5/5


One of the best movies in the history of Dreamworks, arguably even better than Shrek 2. And absolute zero wokeness. Lots of focus on traditional moral values.

The only curious thing is that they added both black AND (pale) white people to this universe's version of Spain. Even though the first Puss movie only had regular Spanish people. Then again, this is the Shrek universe which is an americanised world of fairy tales. So maybe Puss 1 was the odd one out?

Still, this detail doesn't feel woke so it's not a problem.

Created: 01-05-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 0/5

Antiwhite children's movie

I know Shrek franchise has a lot of antiwhite/woke scenes so no surprise here.

Random animals team up to beat White people at the end of the movie.

Satanic pedos at hollywood probably said "LOOK KIDS WHITE PEOPLE BAD. ANIMALS GOOD." Then dumb parents force their kids to watch this movie and now those kids are furries and hate themselves for being white. Same shit different movie.

Created: 01-27-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 4/5

Created: 01-28-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 4/5

Pretty descent film for families

I didn't notice much wokeness messaging. You have to be working hard to come up with something woke about it. Any wokeness in it is to subtle to be sure it is intended to be woke messaging.

Created: 02-15-2023

James Fletcher

Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 3/5

Puss in boots the last wish

100% not woke. Not as cleverly written as the original but well worth watching.

Created: 02-17-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 4/5

There is no woke in this movie.

Created: 02-21-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 5/5

Villain is white.... need I say more?

Super woke... This movie gaslights children into KILLING THEMSELVES because they are white! This kind of harmful propaganda is exactly what's tearing our country apart. After seeing this film, my 7-year-old daughter asked me: "mother, why do the directors and writers of this movie hate us white people so, so much?"! This is outrageous! The creators of this movie are planning the literal genocide of all white people. To all you Woke in Boots fans and supporters, remember that the next time you say "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is the best animated movie of 2022".

Created: 02-23-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 5/5

Whoever thinks this is WOKE IS STUPID

people really don’t like to have fun.
this movie is a blast with no apparent woke themes
stupid people are grasping at straws
dreamworks is back

Created: 03-01-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 5/5

Amazing movie- Lots of troll comments.

The guys here who voted this as woke are completely unhinged and not any different from the '' Why is the black guy the villain this is racist'' crowd. Just because one of the bad guys is white doesn't mean this is anti white propaganda. It's such ridiculous nonsensical explanation that seriously sounds like a woke thinks regular people who are not woke think.

Apparently there is a guy who wants to give animals ethnicities, in this case I'll let that go since they have clear ethnicities. The cats are spanish, who are whites btw but let's say they are not and pretend every person who speaks spanish is mexican, simply not having a white lead makes the movie woke ?
Mmm where did I heard something similar before ? Oh that's right ! '' Why does this movie doesn't have a PeRsOn oF CoLoUr as a lead it's racist !''

The fun thing is that one guy says that the ''white woman'' leaving her ''real family'' for the bears is woke cuz they are different race. Lol, the bears are irish, correct me if I'm wrong but Irish are whites, sames as Goldilocks in this incarnation, and Orphans being adopted has little to anything to do with their race, especially the idea of accepting that your real family is not the one that abandons you but rises you.

These comments are either made by trolls, or people who didn't even saw the movie. It sounds more like SJWs trying to sound like anti woke people.

The movie is great, I would say the best animated movie of this year so far. And it's celebrated for not including politics into it. Seriously, a must watch.

Created: 03-19-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 2/5

Puss In Woke

There are better films to leave on for your kids.

This movie has chopping animation in most scenes and a bad mesh of different aesthetics.

Woke is clearly there. There is some trolls/normies on here to not think this is woke. The usual woke checkmarks.

Black/brown people good. White people bad. Male cat dumb. Female cat smart. White woman even chooses bears over meeting her real family.

If you seriously don't think this is woke then that shows how powerful pushing the same propaganda nonstop has worked on you so they will eventually get to pushing their next goal which is more pedo/trans/antiwhite stuff. The effects of white man bad in everything is working with antiwhite crimes at an all time high.

Someone actually thinks awards means something when awards for movies was created to make movies seem important by hollywood and to even get your movie a chance to get awards the film studio has to give the film awards company money. Check out "The Martian" that won best musical with no musicals just because the director wanted a golden globe and gave them a shit ton of money lol. Imagine thinking awards matter.

Created: 03-27-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 0/5

Horrible kids movie. Skip it. Garbage for your brain!

WTF! These positive reviews must be joking. This movie is not suited for kids. Lots of dark imagery and dark themes. Potentially give kids nightmares.

Same ol woke crap as well. If you think the good guys just happen to not be white and the bad guys just happen to be white is not on purpose in every movie, show, and video game then you are just dumb at this point.

Dreamworks founded by three antiwhites jews. Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen. No surprise here!

Ask yourself where do you draw the line? How long till it is enough?

Today an antiwhite tranny named Audrey Hale went and shot up a White Christian school killing 6 people including children and injuring more for being White and Christian. This is because of the antiwhite media, shows, movies, and video games. Wake up against the antiwhite narrative! Enough is enough. Judaism is the only religion that has trannies, and other degenerate crap which is why they promote it and you can't even be in it unless your jewish since they are super racist.

Created: 03-28-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 4/5

Strong Female Character

Other than the strong female character, I didn't notice anything really woke. It was enjoyable and suitable for kids, especially in this day and age. Dreamworks is becoming the new "Disney" film company, as Disney has vacated that role under it's current leadership.

Created: 03-28-2023


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 5/5

Ignore the Trolls

Ignore the trolls claiming this film is super woke. It is not, there's no identity politics. The movie does have a very evil white villain, but also other white people that are positively portrayed. And it never even implies whiteness as being bad.
It's an amazing movie, with pretty visuals, well-developed characters, and funny jokes.
The only downside is the film is too dark and violent for little kids, so I recommend it for older kids (8-10+ depending on the child).

Created: 04-09-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 1/5

Friend told me about this movie and my thoughts

I see there is a different opinion on woke and reviews on here.

If anyone says something isn't woke and never says why they think it isn't is a warning sign and calling someone a troll without reasoning is something someone woke would do.

The film is soft woke. I'm going to break it down so it is easy to understand for people who are new at seeing propaganda.

Are white portrayed negatively? Yes.

Are browns and blacks portrayed positively? Yes.

Is the main women character put on a pedestal? Yes.

Does the white woman give up on her goal to see her biological family to live with nonwhites? Yes.

So to say it isn't woke would be lying. Just because you enjoy a movie doesn't mean it isn't propaganda. Good propaganda works. This is why leftist memes are the best because people pay to see them and not realize that they are making fun of you and hate you if you are white.

If interested in more propaganda in movies and shows then watch blackpilled on odyssey. He goes over a lot of movies and shows and use to work putting propaganda into such.


Created: 04-13-2023


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