Woke r' Not
Super Woke!

The Little Mermaid

Watch and you'll see, some day I'll be, part of your world!

The youngest of King Triton’s daughters, and the most defiant, Ariel longs to find out more about the world beyond the sea, and while visiting the surface, falls for the dashing Prince Eric. With mermaids forbidden to interact with humans, Ariel makes a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, which gives her a chance to experience life on land, but ultimately places her life – and her father’s crown – in jeopardy.

Wokeness: 90%

Overall Score: 20%

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Wokeness: 3/5 Overall Score: 2/5

Created: 05-31-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 0/5

Race baiting wokefest

Take the 1989 original, race swap the main character and gender swap the seagull, and sap the film of any creativity and originality it had and you have TLM2023. An absolute disgrace to the original movie, and just an excuse to make money off of controversy.

Created: 06-02-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 0/5


Very terrible movie, poor presentation. Yet another woke movie from Disney.

Created: 06-14-2023


Wokeness: 4/5 Overall Score: 1/5


Let's just review the cast...

The original Little Mermaid is already subversive (there are clear drag elements to Ursula and this deal, suggesting that Ariel is trying to pass as a woman, and cannot use "her" voice), meaning in some ways this is less woke in that scene, because they replaced the original Ursula with Melissa McCarthy. But since I can't stand her, that's not an improvement. Then there's redhead erasure again, race swapping her. I am pretty sure they added in the queen (probably destroying the original character's motivation, who was motherless, and thus had nobody to defend her against her father). Gender-swapping characters.

So yeah, in addition to making it woke, you also made it more dull than the original by pulling out all the original subtext of the Ursula scene.

Created: 06-23-2023


Wokeness: 1/5 Overall Score: 4/5

Not too woke

The main wokeness is that they turned Ariel and the Queen black, but otherwise I didn’t notice any other work themes being pushed. It was a good movie overall.

Created: 07-02-2023

Think for yourself

Wokeness: 3/5 Overall Score: 1/5

Anything by Disney these days is woke

The race-swapping trend is what made this film famous (or infamous)

Created: 09-21-2023


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 1/5

We Wuz Mermaidz

Need I say more than the title of this review?

Created: 10-05-2023

Nick J F

Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 0/5

Chirp chirp chirp

We wuz is back and this time they tryna be mermaidzzz!! If you hate white people then go ahead and watch this film

Created: 01-16-2024


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