Woke r' Not

The Falling

The Darkside of Desire

Karis (Nicole Oliver) is a clothing store owner who picks up a handsome music executive, Lars (Christopher Shyer), in a bar and immediately engages him in some very hot sex that leads to an ongoing physical relationship. One morning Lars encounters Morgan (Rob Lee) in Karis' kitchen; Morgan is her future ex-husband and a policeman with a violent temper who begins a campaign of intimidation to make Lars stop seeing Karis. But wait: 30 minutes into the movie the point-of-view changes to Morgan's, and we see he's not such a bad guy after all and that Lars is the hot-tempered villain. But wait: 30 minutes later the point of view switches to Karis, and it turns out that she hasn't been completely honest about things. Whose story is the real one?

Wokeness: Not yet rated

Overall Score: Not yet rated

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