Narivetta is a Malayalam action thriller film directed by Anuraj Manohar, starring Tovino Thomas in the lead role. Produced under the banner of Indian Cinema Company by Tipu Shah and Shiyas Hassan, the film explores the journey of Varghese, a police constable navigating the complexities of his professional, personal, and social commitments. With a script by Abin Joseph, the film features a stellar cast including Suraj Venjaramoodu, Cheran, Priyamvada Krishnan, and Arya Salim. Shot across scenic locations such as Wayanad, Kottayam, Changanassery, and Kuttanad, Narivetta delves into themes of justice, social issues, and a community’s fight for its rights. The music is composed by Jakes Bejoy, and Vijay handles the cinematography, making it a compelling cinematic experience
Wokeness: Not yet rated
Overall Score: Not yet rated
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