Woke r' Not
Super Woke!

Batman: Caped Crusader

A thrilling and cinematic reimagining of the Batman mythology, evocative of the character's noir roots.

Wokeness: 90%

Overall Score: 10%

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Wokeness: 4/5 Overall Score: 1/5

D.E.I. The Animated Series

The only good thing about this show is animation.As for the rest oh boy where do I begin...

First despite being Batman show,Batman is a side character who has around 10% of total screen time.Second is the disrespect of certain characters or in this case Alfred and detective Bullock.Alfred is now shubby butler who does nothing(funny considering he was part of British Secret Service) and detective Bullock is now generic corrupt cop.As for the story it is just boring.For some reason Barbara and J.Gordon are the main characters alongside detective Montoya.Oh and Batman has a gun so that tells how writers know about him.

Now for the woke:you probably immediately noticed that Barbara and Jim Gordon were raceswapped alongside Harley Quinn.The Penguin is now woman(for some reason) and Montoya and Quinn are thing and there's a scene of them kissing.Mind I remind you the show takes place in 30's.Also character redesigns are just bad.

Overall this show is just plain horrible.Uninteresting story mixed with woke elements.Take a guess where that leads...Avoid!

Created: 08-10-2024


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall Score: 0/5


At first glance this looked okay, dark and gritty.

Upon further inspection it's completely ruined by woke bullshit. Penguin is an ugly tranny, Harley Quinn is asian and the idiot creator was spouting bullshit about "this will upset the racist fanboys".

Also James Gordon is black. It ticks all the 'diversity is our weakness' boxes. I wish I was making this up.

I'm sick of these woketards completely ruining all these awesome things from my childhood.

Created: 08-11-2024


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