Reacher's back.
When retired Military Police Officer Jack Reacher is arrested for a murder he did not commit, he finds himself in the middle of a deadly conspiracy full of dirty cops, shady businessmen and scheming politicians.
Wokeness: 20%
Overall Score: 60%
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User Submitted Reviews
Jon Loder
Screenplay writers sometimes actually read the book.
This is so close to the book that it's not really worth splitting hairs on the differences. Lee Childs is far from my favorite author but, overall, I like his character, Reacher. It's nice to see that they completely departed from the Reacher-in-name-only disaster by Tom Cruise. The casting is perfect. As far as Woke goes, I noticed none. Good series are few and far between so savor them when the do come around. Enjoy. SEASON TWO UPDATE: What a let down! This series is taking a massive tumble down into woke valley and lazy screenplay writing. I hope they pull up in time for season three. I've read all the books that these series are based on. The first season was reasonably close. Most of the wokeness is from the idea that a woman can be trained in hand-to-hand combat to the point where she can defeat a trained man. I hope parents are smart enough to teach their daughters to know better.
Created: 12-09-2022
Typical 80s style propaganda
White man teams up with black man to fight evil White rednecks.
Hollywood really likes making White rednecks, Christians, Germans, and anything White the villains.
Time to start noticing this stuff when there is millions of antiWhite documentaries and no documentaries on holodomor, Mao Zedong, any evil communist, and why have ((they)) been kicked out of 109 countries.
Created: 12-10-2022
Great show, one woke line
The show is surprisingly good and Reacher is allowed to be himself and the show knows well he is the main attraction. There’s one “woke” line from Neagley towards the end of the series, and the rest is woke free
Don’t get why people here write a show off automatically and bring the woke meter all the way up due to a small issue. You guys want “wokeness” to change, it’s never going to happen if one bitches over things that ARENT woke. A very common occurrence on this site………
Created: 12-10-2022
Not woke but...
Not exactly openly woke but it is not free of hollywood west/east coast elitist bias.
Either the books author or the writers of the show have/had something againts small towns and the people who live in them, becasue the show is constantly painting them in a realy negitive light in several of the episodes. The sterotypes are getting a bit old and annoying.
The fake accents are painful to listen to.
The villains are all a mix of different races and countries.
When a new character was going to be introduced as a helper to the main character I was able to guess race and gender before they spoke and they were revealed. I am sure you can as well.
A few other minor gripes about it but over all if you want a bloody [I do mean bloody], gunslinging, explosive action packed detective show then it is worth the watch.
Created: 12-30-2022
Not too woke. There is a racist white conservative guy as an antagonist.
Created: 02-11-2023
Sparx Black
0 woke
Created: 03-24-2023
Jeff K
Mildly woke, overrated show.
Other reviewers have hit the major points already but one of the more insidiously Progressive aspects of this show is the fact that the protagonist is an immoral scumbag. Example: he wants info about someone, so he just goes and nearly strangles to death an innocent salesman to get it.
And then there's the mandatory woman beating the shit out of a random man because he was slightly persistent about touching a stripper, and somehow the show presents her not as the deranged violent criminal she is but as some kind of hero.
Also, the writing is mediocre, sometimes terrible, and most of the characters have the charisma of a sack of potatoes.
Created: 05-23-2023
Not woke
There’s one woke line Nieley says, pertaining to feminism. No gay scenes or characters, there’s your stereotypical “might-be-racist” or just a miserable A-hole, character.. but definitely doesn’t take it over the top with the racial tension. Also they champion being an bad*ss alpha and masculinity (Reacher is all that).. luckily the 2 skinny female leads in the second season are “careered special military units” so it makes it easier to believe they can fight a 220lb dude.. overall great show, the non-woke masculine stuff completely outweighs any wokeism
Created: 12-30-2023
A good first season marred by a mediocre second
Season 1 is pretty good, visually pleasing, and does seem to stick to the books, despite some forced diversity on Neagley, but the actress carries it well, so, whatever. Goodwin does a smashing job as Finlay.
Season 2, well, has many issues, first amongst which is that it is somewhat tedious and boring.
The show-runners have made a concerted and quite possibly ill-advised effort to make room for female empowerment. The Hollywood sort, not anything relevant. This, at the expense of the main protagonist.
This in turn somewhat breaks the character, as I, at least, wonder how one can be successful in one's chosen career while being an indecisive, submissive bitch.
Ah well, another one bites the dust.
Created: 09-21-2024
I hate to type this being a long-time Jack Reacher fan
Season 1: Great start. Gritty. Captures the essence of the original book well. Except for that one moment with Neagley... and her amateurishly-handled "no means no" scene.
Season 2: The deviation from the source material is uncanny.
You see, one of the best scenes in the book is when Reacher deciphers a crime scene (Calvin Franz's apartment) with incredibly detailed, razor-sharp detective skills. In the book, the scene really succeeds in showing a unique angle of Reacher's prowess in a way that only Lee Child can.
But that same scene is shown in the series as a moment for (yep) Neagley to (very explicitly) shine as the "smarter version of Reacher".
Lee Child's explanation about this?
"Reacher thinks a lot, and [in the books] there are pages and pages of Reacher puzzling things out. You can’t write an eight-minute scene with Alan Ritchson sitting there, thinking. So we needed a secondary character to bolster the exposition."
Yeah. Sure you did, Lee. Just admit you had a box to check to appease the producers.
Season 3: So far, only 3 episodes out.
Here's the thing... "Persuader" is my favorite Reacher novel. And I can say with absolute certainty that they nailed every important aspect so far. From the locations to the characters (minus some creative differences).
Except the female cop.
In the book, Susan Duffy isn't even 1% of the insufferable hag she is on screen. In the book, she's actually believable.
Season 3 wanted something else, apparently.
Tough-sassy-woman-better-than-her-male-colleagues? Check. In fact, the 3 first episodes are infested with those. And these "boss-lady" scenes aren't subtly executed either. To the point you'd think a socially frustrated high-school sorority girl wrote them.
Horrendous fake accent? Also check. But this is more of a nitpick... because it isn't nearly as annoying as the previous problem.
EDIT (after watching about 5 minutes of episode 4):
Susan Duffy [to Reacher]: "you might be bigger than me, but you are not more important than me. so shut the fuck up and tell me what i need to know."
He IS more important than you, bitch. It's his show.
I'm done.
I could state more issues with the overall series. But I'll let viewers come to their own conclusions.
I don't watch a lot of shows or movies these days. You can't expect good from Hollywood all the time. But Jack Reacher was something I'd give a chance every so often, thanks to the legacy of the original books. IDK if I'll continue though. Got more important things in life to spend my energy on. Hence this'll probably be my last review.
Just that it's sad to see an incredible character like this get nerfed in his own live-action show.
Created: 02-24-2025
Pretty good, but getting worse as others mentioned.
I agree with the most recent post. The first season was really good, I still enjoyed the 2nd season but a bit more feminist bs.
The 3rd season i've watched the 3 episodes out so far, and i'm enjoying it for the most part. But the fbi woman is almost ruining it with her completely cuntist disrespectful attitude towards everyone. She talks massive shit to everyone then seriously tells Reacher he's being an asshole, when she's being a massive cunt the whole time.
I'm sick of this kind of shit put into everything, also funny though it showed some truth in that she got into a fight with a guy and was getting strangled and reacher had to save her, yet when she has a guy tied up she acts all tough and makes threats.. yet when it comes to it she wouldn't be able to do shit.
I actually really like the story line so far in Season 3.. but i'm yet to see if she will ruin it. Definately downhill each season with more of this bullshit.
Created: 02-24-2025
Kurt Hansen
N00b Reacher Watcher opinions
I've said in my other reviews that I hardly ever start watching these types of series since they *immediately* turn man-on-man gay. I said, "self, let's see how long it takes" and turned on Reacher. So far, he's cool. Kicks ass. Note: I did not read the books. Going to keep watching and see how it goes :)
Created: 03-07-2025
Not much woke, but acting and dialogue is broke
By the time I hit the 3rd season, the horrendous fake accents, mundane and forced script lines, and overly "girl boss" roles with poorly choreographed fighting making it scream "unrealistic" was just too much to waste time on when there's so much other better content for entertainment.
Created: 03-13-2025