Woke r' Not
Mild Woke


Sam Loudermilk is a recovering alcoholic and substance abuse counselor with an extremely bad attitude about, well, everything. He is unapologetically uncensored, and manages to piss off everyone in his life. Although he has his drinking under control, Loudermilk discovers that when your life is a complete mess, getting clean is the easy part.

Wokeness: 20%

Overall Score: 90%

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User Submitted Reviews


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall Score: 4/5

Unwoke, jerk-a-minute

2017-vintage, hilariously written abuse-a-minute fest, from Peter Farrelly ('Something About Mary', 'King Pin', 'Dumb & Dummer', 'Me Myself & Irene'; more recently 'Lucky Hank' (TV) & 'Green Book').

Sam Loudermilk (Ron Livingston) is a loud mouth, sharp-as-a-whip AA counselor/custodian/misanthrope, who's failing his way to surliness, one step at a time, trailing his shrinking circle of friends, and weekly AA group of broken folk, in his wake.

I'm midway through Season 2, and enjoying the heck out of it.

Woke-o-meter:negative numbers. This one's actually old-school _Politically Incorrect_. [lmao].

Created: 10-27-2023

R. Hamrick

Wokeness: 2/5 Overall Score: 5/5

How did this series happen?

Yes, the blacks in the film are all positive characters. Failure and stupidity, as always, are owned by white males. How else could the series appear on Netflix?

But this aside, the series is genuinely funny and difficult not to binge watch.

Created: 03-13-2024


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