Woke r' Not

Awake not Woke!

Woke r' Not is a community of individuals that have had enough with social justice warriors pushing their woke agenda in Movies and Television Programs.

Are you tired of having wokeness sprung on you when you're just trying to enjoy a show? Help our community by identifying woke media!

Recent Reviews


Wokeness: 0/5 Overall: 3/5


Not woke fun for fans of the show

Overall the movie was fun, the second act drags a bit as Henry goes through multiple scenes slowly gaining appreciation for his friend that he has taken for granted too long. Most of the scenes are there just to allow the actors to play a bunch of alternate versions of themselves and it gets a bit repetitive. Surprisingly there was no wokeness. There is a flamboyant character that does some singing acts but they don't use it to push any agenda. I'd give the movie a 3 outta 5 for being clean family fun only thing that brings is down is the slow middle section.


Wokeness: 3/5 Overall: 2/5


She still got some, but her California is showing

I used to like Shlesinger. Then again, she used to be balanced in her views. I was probably put off by her investing the first 5 minutes of her routine to berate men for "not realizing women are persons too before having a daughter of their own". Well, I use routine quite liberally, as it was more preaching than funny. Also, yeah, maybe. I know for a fact many women can be mothers and grandmothers to males without extending compassion to men, so there's that. Don't know, maybe it's just me being thin-skinned. Most of the audience's laughs are at the expense of men. Maybe because most jokes are too. She has a part about pregnancy shrinking parts of women's brain, and making them unfunny. Even stating she can't afford that, being a comic with two kids. Yep, agreed. I was on the fence until she launched into the "real men are like this" tirade. To echo Palahniuk, not sure one more woman trying to tell me what to do is the solution. So yeah, she's gone pretty lefty with age. Not full retard, but definitely men=stupid women=victims, and political. She even states it's the hill she's willing to die on. Well, it's a free country. Also, what with the trousers? She used to be hot. Now she's nice-looking for a forty-something. And, before the cries of 'misogyny' and 'patriarchal male gaze': I remember McDonald, or even Carlin, being somewhat dashing young bucks, but they stopped playing to that at some point.

Jon Loder

Wokeness: 4/5 Overall: 2/5


Season 1 okay. Season 2, bring the woke.

There are a few series that have done this. They keep the woke at bay until you get invested in the story. Season one was interesting. There is a homosexual character, but it's incidental. A few episodes into season two, it becomes a central theme. When two high school boys (ghosts) go to the prom and start slow-dancing, that's enough.

Pha-Q woke

Wokeness: 4/5 Overall: 2/5


Cliche and Unoriginal

DEI heavy casting, multiple mixed race couples or love interests, multiple gay and lesbian characters. Very cliché teen sex comedy nothing original to it at all. There are multiple scenes ripped straight out of other movies. The acting is average to bad. The jokes are all stale and telegraphed. The weird creepy teacher is not funny at all just very disturbing. The adults in particular make no sense, nobody acts like these people do. While there may be a few humorous moments it just isn't enough to make this one worth it.

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