Woke r' Not

Awake not Woke!

Woke r' Not is a community of individuals that have had enough with social justice warriors pushing their woke agenda in Movies and Television Programs.

Are you tired of having wokeness sprung on you when you're just trying to enjoy a show? Help our community by identifying woke media!

Recent Reviews


Wokeness: 5/5 Overall: 2/5


Yeah! It's woke

It's a shame that when I came to check out this movie a couple of days ago, nobody had rated it yet. But anyway, I can weigh in on the previous comments and add that, even though I took the risk of watching it knowing it might be influenced by DEI policies, the premise intrigued me enough to give it a shot. I usually avoid watching too many trailers to keep from getting spoiled, but when you're trying to escape the grip of woke propaganda, a little warning is always appreciated. This time, though, I walked right into it. That aside, I have to say that, at its core, the movie's concept had potential, but the execution is all over the place. It has its ups and downs, some moments are interesting, while others are so ridiculously bad they completely pull you out of the story. And then there are parts where you just sit there thinking, Who the hell wrote this? A 14-to-16-year-old?! In the end, whatever good ideas it had were buried under an excessive dose of radical feminist and forced inclusivity propaganda—things nobody asked for, shoved in just to tick boxes instead of telling a good story. Period.


Wokeness: 3/5 Overall: 1/5


Ruined almost instantly.

I lasted about 10 minutes into this show. It's immediately obvious the feminist nonsense of so called 'strong independent women' but dialled up even more, they were walking like cocky, swaggering men.. disgusting, makes it not even worth continuing. The cover and the fact that looking it up on google where they keep going on about how amazing it is that there's an all female gang.

Kurt Hansen

Wokeness: 5/5 Overall: 1/5


Thanks. I'm not going nuts. At least not yet.

Hey. Thanks, Michaels for the review. I was like, "Is it me?" or, "are these films just in-your-face propaganda?". Yeah. Not two minutes into the film we see gay men talking about the "best looking man I've ever seen" and giving each other sentimental kisses over the stove. Pioneer Woman would cry tears of, uh, sentimentality. And we can't bother to even sneak the gayness into the film, just bang it over our heads.


Wokeness: 1/5 Overall: 2/5


Mild Woke

Depending on how we define woke, this film definitely contains woke elements including: homosexual reference with coffee art done by Agent Stone. Racial mixing (if its in the context of ridding the world of white people as we've seen lately). References to Magic Mike. Two extended scenes of shirtless men dancing and playing sports. Apparently one of the writers for this film (they are all men) has a thing for topless muscular dudes. And lastly, in the final battle Robotnik uses a Trump line "good people on both sides." An obvious attempt by these writers to paint Trump as an evil person akin to Robotnik. This should be an innocent kid's film but these writers have taken advantage of it to push their weird agendas. The first film was better.

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