Woke r' Not

Awake not Woke!

Woke r' Not is a community of individuals that have had enough with social justice warriors pushing their woke agenda in Movies and Television Programs.

Are you tired of having wokeness sprung on you when you're just trying to enjoy a show? Help our community by identifying woke media!

Recent Reviews

Pha-Q woke

Wokeness: 0/5 Overall: 3/5


Not Bad But A Little Hard To Watch

Nothing woke. This is a little difficult to rate as I expected more of a comedy. While there is some humor it's more dramady and deals heavily with the holocaust. Well acted and directed with wonderful cinematography the tour through Poland is hard to watch sometimes. The other problem is that the Benji character is just so damn unlikable. I realize he has problems and that is what they were going for but Damn I really wanted to punch him in the face several times. I would say this is definitely worth a one time watch just don't expect a light comedy.

Pha-Q woke

Wokeness: 0/5 Overall: 2/5


Could of Been So Much Better

Nothing woke. Well acted and somewhere in there is a really great courtroom drama buried under some terrible inept script writing. This guy is a writer for a lifestyle magazine yet has never heard of this case that happened on the same night at the exact spot he thinks he hit a deer. There is no way either lawyer finds out one of them is an ex homicide detective. Then the black guy that works at a boys and girls club whos brother was killed by the gang the guy on trial used to be a member of years ago and somehow nobody knows knows that either. The suspect gets arrested for murder with literally no evidence whatsoever other than an old guy who supposedly can identify him from 300 yards in the pouring rain but doesn't see it's not his car. The defense attorney is the worst at his job ever as that would of been discredited in about 5 seconds. The entire jury seems to be made up of weak minded fools who are instantly swayed back and forth with a single sentence. His wife finds out he may have killed someone and is just instantly ok with it and fine with him sending an innocent person to jail. There way to many script problems to list all of them but that is just a few of the big ones. I still managed to sit through the whole thing but it requires you be able to laugh off the nonsense as it comes.

Pha-Q woke

Wokeness: 5/5 Overall: 0/5


Maximum Woke

Pretty much every single leftist woke checkbox imaginable. Race swapped the adoptive mother from a red head white woman to Indian so they could have that mixed race couple. The show is set in Oregon with a 72 percent white population yet white seems to be the minority here. TV Naomi is said to be bi-sexual with an ex boyfriend and a current purple haired lesbian love interest. Nowhere that I am aware of is this accurate to original comic book character. The parents openly talk about her discuss her bi-sexuality like its totally normal. Why is a show about 16 year old's focusing on sexual orientation anyway. Beyond all that nonsense the acting and dialogue is terrible. Everything about this screams bad 90's teen network show right down to the awful camera angles and editing and even the CG. The episode 1 CG sequence with the superman fight was so bad it had me laughing. No shock this was canceled in 1 season.


Wokeness: 1/5 Overall: 1/5


Slightly Woke

An overrepresentation of black characters (if we're going by the "representation based on population method"). Ebonic-type wording changing "cops" to "copz" and "super" to "supa." A dance video made by young girls done to hip hop "music." The two best characters are the antagonist cat and fish. Dog man was cool when he was a regular human with the dog sidekick but after fusing them it just becomes an annoying gross dog with a human body. It cannot talk or much of anything intelligent. Mostly this film is annoying and difficult to watch for adults. I can't imagine anyone over 6 enjoying it. There are some funny and some deeper scenes, unfortunately they are few and far between. Overall it's safe for kids but still has some DEI casting and forced counter culture elements.

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