Woke r' Not

Awake not Woke!

Woke r' Not is a community of individuals that have had enough with social justice warriors pushing their woke agenda in Movies and Television Programs.

Are you tired of having wokeness sprung on you when you're just trying to enjoy a show? Help our community by identifying woke media!

Recent Reviews


Wokeness: 1/5 Overall: 1/5


Slightly Woke

An overrepresentation of black characters (if we're going by the "representation based on population method"). Ebonic-type wording changing "cops" to "copz" and "super" to "supa." A dance video made by young girls done to hip hop "music." The two best characters are the antagonist cat and fish. Dog man was cool when he was a regular human with the dog sidekick but after fusing them it just becomes an annoying gross dog with a human body. It cannot talk or much of anything intelligent. Mostly this film is annoying and difficult to watch for adults. I can't imagine anyone over 6 enjoying it. There are some funny and some deeper scenes, unfortunately they are few and far between. Overall it's safe for kids but still has some DEI casting and forced counter culture elements.


Wokeness: 3/5 Overall: 3/5



The movie itself is not bad, but the mid-10s pre-wokeism is grating. Every male character is emasculated to an extent, and acceptable only if he conforms to a female behaviour, or is outright homosexual. Every male character is both a victim and a champion, and grows up into the leader she knows she can be. At least it's not overtly preaching. It's last decade. They still understood "show, don't tell"; I guess not all talent had quit at the time.


Wokeness: 1/5 Overall: 2/5


There's only so much an actor can do

Kick-Ass buffed up nice. Taylor-Johnson is undeniably charismatic. Also, he will get the female audience approval. The rest of the movie is mediocre at best. Crowe is fat and bored. Hechinger doesn't find his pace. Movie is meandering and 45 minutes too long. Major offender is DeBose, providing the obligatory black girlboss magic. Where Taylor-Johnson worked himself into current year's beefcake, she is aggressively mid. Because, why bother, diversity hire. Wokeness is rather subdued, probably left on the floor in the final cut. All the baddies are white men, the local branch of the Society of Magical Negroes is all female, and London is 60% black. The latter being realistic. So many Somali, London doesn't even feel like Pakistan anymore.

Pha-Q woke

Wokeness: 0/5 Overall: 3/5


The Best Ernest Movie For What It's Worth

Nothing woke. This one mostly works and in my opinioon is probably the best of all the Ernest movies. The acting and humor is mostly funny though sometimes just silly. The story is of course silly but it still has the spirit of the original while maximizing what worked for that one and dumping what didn't. It's still silly stupid fun but with a much better script and humor.

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