Awake not Woke!
Woke r' Not is a community of individuals that have had enough with social justice warriors pushing their woke agenda in Movies and Television Programs.
Are you tired of having wokeness sprung on you when you're just trying to enjoy a show? Help our community by identifying woke media!

Recent Reviews
Pha-Q woke

Slightly Below Average Creature Horror
No really too woke but there is the beta weak father and the nasty agressive female character. The acting is average except for the asian guy who is awful. This is a candidate for possible A.I. written script. It's not so much bad as just so cliche and average. This has every creature feature cliché you can think of. There are no scares and although a decent amount of blood and gore it somehow still seems tame. The real weakness is the unlikable characters, every single one of them. This also features the extremely annoying and stupid Hollywood 'nailgun works like an actual gun' b.s. If you really like creature movies this is somewhat watchable.

Anti White
Why are all people in this movie anything but White why are they demographically changing medieval europe?

If you made it this far looking for a deep analysis of this movie, I'll just drop a link to a video by two experts who went to the Avant Premiere. Honestly, the clip of them walking out of the theater is more entertaining than the entire movie. → On a personal note, I don’t think Disney is going to completely die because of this movie. They’ve got way too many eggs in different baskets all over the world. But I do think this is the beginning of the end for them as a major blockbuster studio on a global scale. Why? Because they disrespected their most hardcore fanbase. And in any industry, that’s called being completely out of touch with your audience. The crazy part is that Disney thinks (and I emphasize thinks - otherwise, pages like this wouldn’t exist) that they control the narrative just because they own radio stations, cable networks, and TV channels all over the world. But history has shown time and time again—no company, no entity, nobody survives when they turn their back on their core audience. This is the moment where the House of Mouse truly goes up in flames. And why? Because politicians got their claws into it, pushing their agendas on an audience that never asked for any of this. But now, finally, people are waking up to the fall of a company that tried to destroy their most cherished memories -their own, their kids’, and their grandkids’- by turning an entire industry into a propaganda machine for leftist control. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a good thing. Yes. Yes, it is.
Pha-Q woke

Woke Propaganda.
Where to start with how bad this piece of trash is. So we are to believe that Texas and California would form a military alliance. You have to be joking. We have 4 journalists at the center of this 2 female, 1 black male and 1 Brazilian male. Of course they are the heroes, no white males. The acting is really not very good. We start off with a protest in NYC that shows 'patriots' fighting with police and use a suicide bomber waving the American flag. Really. No antifa or blm terrorists anywhere to be seen. All journalists and MSM are shown to be courageous, brave, virtuous, noble and unbiased. You know the actual opposite of reality. The president is in his third term, uses airstrikes against Americans, has abolished the FBI and hates journalists. This is clearly and not subtle at all meant to be Trump according to the leftist propaganda. All bad people are white males who are also shown to be racist. In fact as far as I can remember almost all military soldiers and combatants are white males and are bad. Peaceful refugee camp appears to be mostly female and non white. They drive through a town in the middle of all this that appears to be completely untouched by any fighting and totally fine populated by white people. I can only remember there being one lone female combatant in the entire movie. She is black at the end of the movie and is only there so a POC can shoot the president. There is a lot of bad writing and stupidity throughout. The journalists constantly do stupid things. There appears to be no shortage of food, water, gas or basic supplies anywhere even though its a warzone and nobody can get through. There is a soldier in combat with a bright red Hawaiian shirt on and another one with bright red glasses. Way to stand out and be a target. We are never told either why there is a civil war. What started it? What is the goal of the WF? Who is leading them? The entire alliance is only 2 states out of the entire country and the rest of the states just sit there? It's not even much of a war as far as I can tell. Mostly just a few people in the middle of nowhere having gunfights and skirmishes. This is pure leftist propaganda at it's worst and wouldn't be surprised if it was funded by the DNC dirty money.